Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Hi,my name is Lydia. As often as i can i like to visit London to see a certain some one. Slowly the city has been growing on me. I like London right away but to actually find my way through it has and still is quite the adventure. I am from Delft in the Netherlands and i can bike anywhere in the city within 20 minutes. In London it easily takes up an hour or more to do so. It sure is a walking city. I tried wearing heels while over there to appear a bit taller but I am going for comfort now: No heels in London (say this in the way like the Beastie Boys scream: No sleep till Brooklyn). Secretly i sometimes fantasize about putting together a tourguide and actually having it published. Changes are that that aint gonna happen so this blog will have to do:-) Here i want to share London how i am discovering it